Series & Event Affiliation

To be recognized under the auspices of the Fédération Internationale de l'Automobile (FIA) as a national series or event in Canada, the organization or event will need to be approved and affiliated with the Sports Development Group (GDS). The FIA, the world motorsport organization, has designated GDS as the National Sporting Authority (NSA) for motorsport in Canada.

All series and events in Canada, both cars and karting, wishing to affiliate and receive GDS sanctioned recognition as a Canadian National Event or Series, or similar title, will be required to submit a proposal at the exam. Approvals (and required fees), once granted, must be renewed annually.

To receive the proposal requirements, please send an email to, indicating “GDS Affiliation” in the subject line.

Affiliation Form

Affiliation des séries et événements

Pour être reconnu sous les auspices de la Fédération internationale de l'automobile (FIA) en tant que série ou événement national au Canada, l’organisation ou l’événement devra être approuvé et affilié à Groupe de développement sportif (GDS). La FIA, l’organisation mondiale du sport automobile, a désigné GDS comme l'autorité sportive nationale (ASN) pour le sport automobile au Canada.

Toutes les séries et tous les événements au Canada, à la fois les voitures et le karting, qui souhaitent s'affilier et recevoir une reconnaissance sanctionnée par GDS en tant qu'événement ou série nationale canadienne, ou un titre similaire, devront soumettre une proposition à l’examen. Les approbations (ainsi que les frais exigés), une fois accordées, devront être renouvelées annuellement.

Afin de recevoir les exigences de la proposition, veuillez faire parvenir un courriel à, en indiquant « Affiliation GDS » dans la ligne d'objet.

Formulaire d’affiliation

Karting Affiliation

In areas of Canada where there is an ASN affiliated Regional organization that is involved in karting, clubs will affiliate directly to that Region and pay the required fees. Clubs that affiliate to an ASN affilaited Region will affiliate to ASN as part of the application process at no additional charge. In areas of Canada where there is no ASN affiliated Regional organization or where the ASN affiliated Regional organization is not involved in karting, karts clubs may choose to affiliate directly to GDS ASN Canada. Clubs that apply to affiliate through a Region and clubs that affiliate directly to ASN must complete and submit the form available via the link below. A driver must hold a current Club/Regional Kart Licence issued by an ASN affiliated karting Club or Region to apply for a National Kart Licence. 

Kart Club Affiliation Form
